Welcome to NVHS
Welcome to NVHS
We have some wonderful trees in the Town of Maine, but which are the biggest trees? Join our contest to help determine the Champion Trees of the Town of Maine.
You may know of the state or national registry for largest trees, but for our contest we have simplified the rules and we'll go by the circumference of the tree.
There are two categories: one for trees on public land and one for trees on private land. And then we'll recognize the largest of each species within those categories. The PDF below gives more instructions on measuring your tree(s).
Only live trees native to New York State are eligible. To find a list of those and see the current New York State Champions, look at https://dec.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2024-01/champscommonname.pdf
Don't know what type of tree you have? If it's a big one, submit a form and we'll help you. Or you can use one of the following Apps on your phone (see you App Store of choice or the URLs below)
Submitting is easy, just two steps:
1) Complete the following form https://forms.gle/w1UzXqRH1T4bz2nv8
2) Email a picture of your tree to greenspacenvhs@gmail.com
For the trees on public property, it is the first person to submit the form for that tree.
If it looks like your tree might even be a contender for New York State, we'll help you submit that (other measurements are required beyond just the circumference).